Tokyo 70+ World Cup

Tokyo 70+ World Cup OASIS Teams Express of Interest

Last Edited: 03/12/24

The 70+ World Cup will be hosted in Tokyo, Japan, from 1 to 3 October 2025. OASIS will register teams and will have trials for team selection of 70+, 75+, and 80+ teams.

The 70+ World Cup will be two games daily for 3 days, 6 games each for 70+ and 75+. 80+ one a day 3 to 4 games. 70+ is 11 v 11 full field, 75+ and 80+ will 8 v 8 half field.

We want to form a 70+ team with players who would have to be fit and play regularly to be able to play this tournament.

We also want the 75+ team to be the same as the 70+ team, but depending on interests there might be some adjusted arrangement.

For the 80+ team, we would like to get a full team of 14, or we might have to join them with another team depending on the number of players interested.

If you are interested in joining any of the teams, please submit your details here: Tokyo 70+ World Cup Express of Interest

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